Application Process

Missionary Application and References

The prospective team member fills out the MBIF, “Missionary Biographical Information Form”, which collects information about the personal, family, educational, health and spiritual background of the individual. It also includes three (3) letters of reference that must be filled out by spiritual mentors or leaders attesting to the person’s qualifications to serve as a Christian missionary. Also, official copies of transcripts for all work done beyond the high-school level must be sent to GCM.

GCM's concern extends to any children of prospective missionary couples as well. Children from six to twelve years of age are asked to fill out a “Children’s Information Form” designed to give the child the opportunity to share his/her feelings about becoming part of a ‘missionary family’, moving to another country and culture, etc. Couples with teenaged children are generally encouraged to wait until their children graduate from high school before considering foreign mission work.

Online Application