Application Process

Clinical Interview

After completing the written portion of the psychological evaluation, a clinical (personal) interview is scheduled with the prospective team member. This interview is designed to review and explore areas of interest from the written portion of the psychological evaluation, information from the MBIF, letters of reference, and any other information deemed important. The clinical interview usually takes 2-3 hours. The last part of the psychological evaluation is a written review and recommendation prepared by the health care professional conducting the psychological evaluation and sent to both the GCM staff and the prospective team member. Basically, the recommendation falls into one of three categories:

  1. A “Go” recommendation, i.e., in the healthcare professional’s opinion there are no physical, spiritual, psychological, emotional, or family factors that make participation on a cross-cultural church planting team unadvisable;

  2. A “Qualified Go” recommendation, i.e., there are areas that inspire concern and that must be successfully addressed before leaving for the field. Assuming that the areas of concern are successfully addressed, with professional monitoring, then participation on the team is still possible; and

  3. A “No Go” is the recommendation to the Continent staff and the prospective team member(s) that participation on a missionary team is not indicated at this time. The reasons for this conclusion are explained along with any recommended treatment.

The GCM staff conducts an in-depth personal interview with the prospective team member/couple/family. This is usually conducted in conjunction with the clinical interview. Prospective team members meet the staff of Great Cities Missions, and visit our suite of offices. The personal interview adds important insights into the motivation, maturity, giftedness, and possible ministry roles on the team of the prospective team member. It also provides opportunity to ask questions of the GCM staff.